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Household Finance and/or Migrants
Fintech, Visual Attention, and Financial Inclusion:
A Field Experiment on Migrant Remittances
With Eduardo Nakasone and Máximo Torero
[NBER WP] [Ungated Paper] [AEA Registry] [Pre-Survey] [Post-Survey] [Data and Replication]
Labor Market Expectations and Experiences of
First- and Second-Generation Americans
With Zhangchi Ma, Arnaud Maurel, and Daniel Xu
[AEA Registry]
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Retirement Outreach
among Low-to-Middle Income Workers
With Luisa Blanco
[AEA Registry]
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Retirement Outcomes: Impacts of Outreach
With Amaia Calhoun and Gabriella Lee
Review of Black Political Economy (forthcoming)
[Journal Article] [NBER WP] [Ungated Paper] [NBER RDRC BRD]
Price Dispersion in the Remittance Industry: The Role of FinTech, Comparison Shopping, and Other Factors
With Daniel Xu
[AEA Registry]
To Remit, or Not to Remit: That is the Question. A Remittance Field Experiment
With Máximo Torero
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 112, 221-236
[Journal Article]
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